Thursday, October 18, 2018

6 Things Toddlers Say That Will Make a Boy Mom Cringe

1)      Guess what I found? Usually followed by a mysterious closed hand that I am not sure I want to open. The other day my oldest was outside and came in with this exact presentation. I never know if it is something alive and/or how many legs it will have. Therefore that level of unknown mobility is slightly scary when you are not really fully adapted to the boy mom life.  Thankfully most of the time it some form of rock, dirt, or garbage, which I can handle.
2)      I want some more, please. I know what you are thinking. This seems harmless. To understand the problem with this short polite request, I need to provide some context. This phrase is dangerous when your kids are not participating in any eating or drinking event but rather coloring with crayons. When I first heard this, I was watching a TV show while my oldest two did some artwork at the table about 15 ft away. They were giggling and getting along so well when the youngest exclaimed, “I want some more, please.” I thought  ‘oh he is so sweet, asking for more crayons and in a way I wasn’t far off. One look at his colorful grin and I knew that he did indeed need more because he ATE the 2 he was using.
3)      I feel wet. With many liquids in my kids' lives on a daily basis, this is alarming in that you are never quite sure which one is the cause when those 3 little words are uttered.  With one kid fully potty trained and the other just starting the potty adventure, it is definitely cringe worthy.  Then you have to do the smell thing, you know the one where you try to decipher the cause of the wet spot so you can take your next step accordingly. For some reason, this statement has an uncanny way of popping up when you are in a rush OR if you just cleaned the car seats.
   4)      I didn’t do it. This usually leads to a toddler version of A Few Good Men where it feels somehow like they are Jack Nicholson and we truly “can’t handle the truth.” Nevertheless we pursue the integration to somehow bring justice to why there are 56 pairs of shoes in a “shoe rainbow” across the mudroom floor.
   5)      I stepped in something. If you have pets and 3 kids like myself, this is always a crapshoot. Literally, it might involve the c-word. Again you have to become the mom version of "Blues Clues" and decide if it was an unfortunate missed spot of spilt applesauce or if your cat had a hairball. 
     6)    “-------“ This my friends, is the dreaded sound of silence. It happens when you least expect it, when the kids are seemingly well behaved and have had no issues for the past 2 hours. Because of this, you let your guard down and put your multi-tasking into ultra-gear, thinking “Wow, I’m actually going to get so much done today.” You pull out all the stops, even the steam mop that in and of itself needs a steam mopping prior to use because it lives above the litter box in the closet.  You finally collect all the clutter off the floor and are about to channel your inner ‘Mr. Clean’ when all of the sudden you hear it. Nothing. The infamous sound of nothing and realize it is too good to be true. Before kids, the sound of nothing was glamorized as the ideal form of relaxation.  Who didn’t love the sweet as pie ode to romance; “When you say nothing at all." But now as boy mom the lack of noise has become a red flag that something has gone terribly wrong. Please reference the above picture: 2.5 minutes before the multitasking mama appeared, this boy was not blue and was fully clothed.

Say "Cheesecake"

‘Tis the season. No not for the holidays (yes those are coming too) but for… family pictures. Two words that equally evoke levels of dread...